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Atwater Senior Academy

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Report Bullying (Bully Tracker)

Atwater Senior Academy continually strives to provide a safe and positive learning environment where all students have a sense of belonging and trust in order to work toward success. Atwater Senior Academy staff does not tolerate bullying or harassing behavior.

Bullying behavior is defined as behavior that is physically or emotionally damaging to students, is repeated and continual, and is pervasive and hurtful. Bullying can be defined as repeated physical, emotional, or through social media.

It is the responsibility of staff to be watchful and alert to bullying behavior and warning signs that bullying behavior is taking place. In addition the staff will take appropriate actions to address bullying behavior when it becomes to their attention as well to put in place steps and interventions to take care of all parties involved.

It is the responsibility of parents and students to notify school staff when these types of behavior are taking place or when other behaviors that may lead to bullying are apparent. In addition, all students need to conduct themselves appropriately including not participating or being a bystander to bullying behavior or ignoring bullying behavior.

This policy works best when all parties, students, parents, and staff work together and have a common belief that bullying behavior is not acceptable and will take action to make sure that it will not take place.


Click here for Bully Tracker