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Chromebook Issues and Fixes

The computer you are using should have high speed Internet access (i.e. DSL, cable modem, satellite connection)

**Please use GOOGLE CHROME (free download) when working on PLATO**


PLATO Website:

LOGIN information:

Account Login: AESD

PLATO Name: (your first and last name, no spaces, no caps)

Password: (student ID #  in other words, your lunch number)

Assignments MUST be completed in order. DO NOT skip around!!  If a lesson quiz or test is not passed with an 80%, the student must return to the lesson and add to their notes so the test can be passed.  After two failed attempts at passing the quiz or test the test will be permanently locked and the student must message Mr. St. Onge to unlock the test. The student will not move on until the lesson is completed.

Contact Information:  If there are any questions or problems, please use the following:

  • Zoom meeting - Join Zoom between 7:30 am - 9:35 am /10:20 am - 12:00 pm /12:45 pm - 2:40pm. Required Zoom is 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • Use GoGuardian Chat  - Chat can be used from 7:30 to 2:40
  • Email[email protected]
  • ASA Phone# (209)357-6515 - This number can be used from 7:30 to 2:40 (If no answer, please leave message)



If there are any issues when using PLATO® Learning Environment and Google Chrome, please use the following information:

1.  Make sure that Google Chrome is up to date. Check this at least once a week.  In the upper, right corner of the Google Chrome window Click:

Screen shot of upper right portion of Google browser

2.  In the dropdown menu, Click Settings (toward the bottom of the dropdown window)

Screen shot of dropdown menu

3.  A new window will appear.  At the bottom left of the of the menu click:

Screen shot of the Settings window in Chrome

3.  If Google Chrome is not updated, it will automatically start to update. After the update, you will need to click RELAUNCH and Google Chrome will be finished updating. 


4.  When Google Chrome is updated it will look like this:


Google update 3


5. Clean the Cache by clicking In the upper, right corner of the Google Chrome window.

Screen shot

6.  In the dropdown menu, Click Settings (toward the bottom of the dropdown window)

Screen shot of menu

7. Scroll down and under Privacy and security, click Clear browsing data.

Screen shot of the setting menu selecting Clear browsing data

8.  The Clear browsing data window will open.   With the Basic tab selected, make sure the Time range is All time.  Be sure Browsing history and Cached images and files or both selected.  (Box will be blue with a white check mark.) And then select Clear data.

Screen shot of the Clear browsing data window