School Information
Grading will be determined utilizing a point/percent system. The standard grading scale will be used. Daily assignments, quizzes, projects and tests will have point values, and the total percentage will determine the final report card grade. Students will be required to have a "C" average (2.0 GPA) or better with no more than one "F" grade in order to exit ASA upon their release date.
100-90% “A”
89-80% “B”
79-70% “C”
69-60% “D”
59%-Below “F”
1. Class grade will be based on daily assignments, quizzes, projects and tests.
Requirements for academic subjects:
Language Arts - 1 Lesson per WEEK (including lesson TUTORIAL and MASTERY TEST with a score of 80% or higher)
Math - Pre-Algebra - 5 Lessons per WEEK (including lesson TUTORIAL, PRACTICE, and MASTERY TEST with a score of 80% or higher)
- Grade Level - 1 Lesson per WEEK (including lesson TUTORIAL, APPLICATION, and MASTERY TEST with a score of 80% or higher)
History - 1 Lesson per WEEK (including lesson TUTORIAL and MASTERY TEST with a score of 80% or higher)
Science - 1 Lesson per WEEK (including lesson TUTORIAL and MASTERY TEST with a score of 80% or higher)
2. LATE WORK will be accepted.
II. CLASSROOM RULES – If these three rules are followed at all times, each student’s time here will be very pleasant and enjoyable.
1. Respect others.
- Allow everyone the opportunity to learn by being courteous, respectful and cooperative.
- Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself at all times.
- No "put-downs" or bullying.
- Respect other people's personal property.
2. Respect yourself.
- Attend school daily.
- Do not be tardy or truant.
- Participate in all class activities. (You shouldn't sit in class and do nothing!)
- Do what it takes to exit ASA and return to your regular school.
3. Respect the educational process.
- Follow school rules concerning hats, gum, candy, dress, etc.
- Follow all directions and be prepared to learn. ("Prepared to Learn' remember the two "L's", in order to LEARN you must first LISTEN.)
- Stay on task.
- No disruptions.
- Be prepared with needed materials. "Prepared" means that each student has all the “tools” needed to complete their work for the DAY. "Needed Materials" includes your Chromebook, your Chromebook charger, a binder, scratch paper, mouse, headphone and a pen/pencil.)
III. Reward System
Students will receive points each week based on positive attendance, completion of weekly class assignments, following class rules, and acting appropriately. Weekly and monthly prizes will be given to students who are at the top of the class list at the end of each week and month. It is important for students who are interested in exiting ASA upon their release date to accumulate as many points as possible during the last nine weeks of their term. A student who is seriously making a change in their behaviors should be maxing out points EVERY WEEK!!!
I have very high expectations of all my students. Every student will be given an environment in which academic excellence will be the norm. In order for your student to achieve success, he/she must:
1. Be at school on time. (8:00 a.m.)
2. Come to class with all necessary materials. (Chromebook, charger, scratch paper, pen or pencil, headphones, mouse)
3. Complete all assignments.
4. Stay on task during class time and be actively involved in class activities.
5. Follow the rules.
Academics will be completed using a computer and the EDMENTUM Educational program. EDMENTUM includes Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. The school day will be spent working on these subjects and will also include Reading and Writing.
Students will participate in Physical Education. P.E. will include physical activity and every student will be required to participate unless a doctor’s note has been brought to the teacher.
Breakfast will be served to each student at 8:00 a.m. and lunch will be served at 12:00 p.m.
Students will have a Project Based Learning (PBL) period. Project Based Learning is a problem solving period in which students will apply their academic knowledge to “real life” projects. The first week of class will be used to take five safety tests over the various tools that will be used throughout the semester. ALL tests must be passed before the student will be allowed to work in class. Students will also spend time learning and reviewing how to properly measure using both the Standard and Metric systems. Students who are working on projects during class will be required to follow all safety rules and must also wear safety glasses. If these rules cannot be followed, the student will not be allowed to work on any project. Examples of PBL projects include; Aeronautics (glider), Aerospace (rocket), Engineering (model bridge), Transportation (CO2 dragster), and other educational units. ASA students will also be working on different STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) and STEM projects throughout the school year.
All academic assignments, PBL and STEAM projects will be completed in class under the supervision of the instructor. Therefore class time is valuable time, which should be fully utilized by each student.
If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at any time. You may call the school directly at (209)357-6515 or you can leave a message at the same number, or call the Mitchell Senior Office at (209)357-6124. You may email me via the link below, my address is: