Dress Code / Gang Related Activities / Suspension and Expulsion Guidelines
Atwater Elementary School Dress Code
Appropriate dress and good grooming contribute to a positive atmosphere and promote student safety. Our students are expected to dress for success each day. Atwater Senior Academy Staff in accordance with California Education Code, Section 48907, and with the best interest of our students, school, school-sponsored activities, and community in mind, adopts the following middle school dress code. We appreciate your support and adherence to these guidelines.
- Pants/shorts will be worn at the waist level without the need to use a belt. All belts must be worn through the loops.
- All clothing must be worn as to not expose undergarments or midriffs standing or sitting.
- Shorts, skirts and dresses must be at least “finger-tip length” to be worn at school.
- Holes in pants may be no higher than the top of the knee. Shorts and skirts with holes in them will not be allowed.
- Backless, strapless, low-cut necklines or armholes, bare midriff tops, spaghetti straps, crop tops, and tube tops are considered inappropriate for school and shall not be worn. Straps must be at least one inch wide, and only one strap may be visible.
- Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Steel-toed shoes, cleats, or shoes with wheels shall not be worn at school. Students must have appropriate footwear for P.E.
- Hat are permitted, but must be appropriate - no offensive or questionable materials or images. Hats may not be altered in any way. They must be worn in a forward position and TAKEN OFF WHEN INDOORS. No stocking type hats allowed.
- No headgear is to be worn in the classroom. Hoods of sweatshirts MAY NOT BE WORN INDOORS.
- Bandannas are not allowed to be worn at school.
- Pajama tops, bottoms, and/or slippers will not be allowed.
- Clothing, accessories, or jewelry with inappropriate language, pictures, inferences, or symbols which tend to mock, ridicule, provoke, demean, or display words or pictures associated with alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, gangs, sex, drugs, or items associated with alcohol, tobacco, sex, or drug use shall not be worn or carried at school.
- Sunglasses may be worn on campus; however, they must be removed when indoors.
- Lettering and printing will be allowed on garments as long as it is not crude, vulgar, and does not contain profanity of make reference to tobacco, drugs, alcohol, violence, gangs, or is sexually suggestive, and is not a racial slur or epithet.
- Accessories that may cause injury such as, but not limited to spiked jewelry, studded collars, safety pins, chains or long belts will not be allowed.
- Headphones and/or earbuds may not be worn unless using for academic purposes in class, with the teacher's approval.
- Hairspray/gel, make-up, and cologne/perfume may not to be brought to school. Only non aerosol deodorant may be kept in the lockers.
- No face paint may be worn.
- Professional sport team and college/university attire is allowed.
- Congregation of students wearing like colors may be perceived as gang affiliated behavior, resulting in the request to discontinue the offensive behavior and/or dress.
Classroom distractions resulting from dress code violations will not be tolerated per California Education Code 48900(k).
School Gang-Related Guidelines
Our District cooperates with law enforcement in all anti-gang activities and anti-gang related “copy cat” behaviors. Look-alike gang behavior is prohibited at school. For the safety of our students, it is very important that parents do not purchase or allow students to wear any item that might be perceived as the showing of “colors”. This is clearly a campus safety issue, especially important as students move to and from school and in and out of the neighborhoods.
Any dress, grooming or appearance which disrupts or tends to disrupt the educational process or affect the health or safety of individuals will be prohibited (EC 48900, EC35183, EC 35294.1). Any attire/paraphernalia/symbol that signifies gang affiliation will not be allowed on campus. Any attire/paraphernalia/symbol that displays a logo or other message promoting alcohol or controlled substances, promoting violence, illegal activity or relating to gangs may not be worn on campus.
**New trends in gang attire are subject to administrative review with law enforcement consultation.**
- Our district cooperates with law enforcement in all anti-gang activities and “anti-gang” related "copy cat" behaviors. “Wanna-be” or look-alike gang behavior is prohibited at school. For the safety of our students it is very important that parents do not buy or allow students to wear any item that might be perceived as the showing of "colors". This is clearly a safe campus issue, especially to and from school and out in the neighborhoods.
- Any dress, grooming, or appearance which disrupts or tends to disrupt the educational process, or affect the health or safety of individuals will be prohibited (EC 48900, EC 35183, and EC 35294.1). Any attire/paraphernalia/symbol that signifies gang affiliation will not be allowed on campus. Any attire/paraphernalia/symbol that displays a logo or other message promoting alcohol or controlled substances, promoting violence, illegal activity or relating to gangs may not be worn on campus. Students may be permanently banned from wearing a color for the duration of their Atwater Senior Academy enrollment.
- Due to safety issues, certain clothing lines and styles are not allowed on campus. The following clothing brands and styles are currently not allowed. They are subject to change, but include:
- South Pole
- G-Unit
- Insane Clown Posse
- Marilyn Monroe
- Multiple layers of red or blue clothing or accessories.
- Some items which are specifically prohibited include, but are not limited to:
- Gang writing, monikers, graffiti, symbols or tagging on school or personal property.
- Monogram or lettered belt buckles (S, N, M, R, B, X, 13, 14, etc.).
- Red or blue shoe laces.
- Red, Blue, and Gray Cargo belts.
- Webbed belts of any color or suspenders hanging down or dragging
Gang related offenses - A student may be suspended for five days on the first offense and recommended for an alternative education placement or expulsion. The gang suppression police unit may be consulted.
Consequences Notes
A pupil may be suspended or expelled at any time for acts which are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance, including, but not limited to, any of the following:
*While on school grounds.
*While going to or coming from school.
*During, while going to, or while coming from a school sponsored activity.
- Law enforcement agencies may be notified at the discretion of the administration.
- Students may be suspended on the first offense if it is determined that the pupil’s presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process. (E.C. 48900.5)
- Students accumulating an excessive number of suspensions are subject to referral to an alternative education program. Students accumulating 20 days of home suspension will be recommended for expulsion.
- Disciplinary action will be taken if a student's behavior is disruptive to the instructional process or causes a danger to persons or property even though the offense is not defined in this Student Conduct Code.
- (E.C. 48904) Parental liability for willful misconduct of a minor that results in injury or death to a pupil of school employee or who willfully cuts, defaces, or otherwise injures in any way any property of any school employee shall be liable for all damages so caused by the minor. The liability of the parent or guardian shall not exceed ten thousand ($10,000). The parent or guardian shall also be liable for the amount of any reward not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
- Students and parents have a right to appeal disciplinary action taken against a student. A meeting must be requested with the principal/designee prior to any further appeal.
Student Activity During Suspension
- Students shall not report to school during the period of suspension, unless coming to the office on official business by prior arrangement with a school administrator.
- Students are expected to be under the supervision of a parent during school hours when serving suspension days at home. (7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
- Students are not to attend any school event at any school campus in the Atwater Elementary School District during suspension.
- The responsibility of obtaining and doing class work lies with the student. Teachers are not required to provide class or home work, but also have the right to require the student to complete any assignments and tests missed during the suspension.
ASA Rules Violations
Classroom/Playground Rules
- Failure to follow classroom rules
- Aggressive Playground behavior/horseplay
- Gum chewing
- Violation of dress code Policy
- Classroom Disruptions
- Cell phone
- Use of cell phone camera or video recorder
- Use of cell phone camera or video recorder to record a fight
- Disrespect/Defiance
- Foul or abusive language
- Fighting/Intimidating/Bullying
- Fighting - cause/attempt to cause/threaten to cause physical injury
- Threatening, degrading, or disgracing behavior or language
- Racial or ethnic slur or negative comments in regard to gender or religion
- Intimidation/threatening
- Watching/instigating/promoting fighting
- Theft
- Taking or in possession of another person's or school property
- Taking of personal property using force or fear
- Gang Affilitation
- Displaying, flashing, showing, or drawing signs, symbols, lettering or coloring associated with a gang
- Vandalism
- Destruction of school or personal property
- Weapons
- Real or look alike weapons, possession of any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous objects at school or school activity
- Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco
- Tobacco use or possession during school, on the way to or from school or any school activity
- Possession of drug paraphernalia including hooka pens/ECigarettes/or look alikes.
- Possession, use, sales, furnishing, or under the influence of any controlled substance during school, to and from school, or at any school activity
- Use of prescription drugs not registered in the office
- Alcohol use or possession druing school, on the way to or from school or any school activity
- Posession of vulgar, pornographic material, or accessing pornography on the Internet
- Forgery/False Information, Records/Cheating
- False signature, copying homework, cheating
- Giving false information to school official/lying to school official
- Fire Alarms
- Tampering with fire alarms
- Gambling
- Exchanging of item or money
- Possession of Non-school related items
- Possession of items that cause a disruption to school activities or are not related to the educational setting. The following items are some, but not limited to: cameras, toys, CD players, radio,MP3 players, electronic devices
- Possession of pens, Sharpies, spray paint that are not suitable for school (spray paint - contact with SRO)
- Possession or use of matches, lighters, smoke bombs, stink bombs, fireworks, incendiary device
- Harassment/Bullying/Sexual Harassment
- Bullying (physical, emotional, cyber)/Repeated bothering, hitting, pushing, name calling, intimidating, threatening, spreading rumors, calling out, vulgar names, posting on social media that has a detrimental and adverse effect on a student that causes distress of the student
- Sexual harassment
The above mentioned behavior policy does not cover all possible behavior scenarios. All disciplinary incidents will be evaluated in regards to the incident, frequency, severity, and best possible means to correct behavior. The school Principal or Designee will have final say as to the disciplinary action taken in accordance with California Education Code.
Causes for Mandatory Expulsion (Students will be suspended until the expulsion proceedings, appropriate law enforcement agencies will be notified).
1. CAUSED SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY to another person, except in self-defense. (E.C. 48915 and 48900, sub-section a). *Self-defense is defined as the inability otherwise to walk away from a situation.
2. POSSESSED, SOLD, OR OTHERWISE FURNISHED ANY FIREARM, KNIFE, EXPLOSIVE, OR OTHER DANGEROUS OBJECT unless in the case of possession of any such object, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the principal. (E.C. 48915 and 48900, sub-section b). *Look alikes may be considered objects of a dangerous nature. If the principal deems expulsion inappropriate for this instance of possession of a knife, a report in writing is to be sent to the superintendent who will advise the governing board that expulsion is inappropriate due to the nature of the particular circumstances. (E.C. 48915)
3. FURNISHED OR SOLD ANY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (as defined in section 11053 of the Health and Safety Code), an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind. (E C. 48900, sub-section c)
4. POSSESSED WITH INTENT TO SELL ANY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (as defined in section 11053 of the Health and Safety Code), an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind. (E.C. 48900, sub-section c)
5. POSSESSED, OFFERED, ARRANGED, OR NEGOTIATED TO SELL ANY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, LOOK-A-LIKES OR IN-LIEU SUBSTANCES. (Section 11053 of the Health and Safety Code, E.C. 48900, sub-section d, E.C. 48915, sub-section a)
7. THREATENED, ATTACKED, OR COMMITTED ASSAULT OR BATTERY ON SCHOOL PERSONNEL (Penal Code Sec. 240 and 242, E.C. 48900, sub-section a, E.C. 48915, sub-section a, and E C. 44014)
8. ATTEMPTING SEXUAL ASSAULT OR COMMITTING SEXUAL BATTERY is a violation of state (E.C. 48915, sub-section c) and federal law. It is grounds for expulsion.